420Consulting.Services Payment Portal

Welcome to the 420Consulting.Services Payment Portal, here you will find the resources to help you manage your retainer account and or contract with 420Consulting.Services & JBCGSI – JBC Group Solutions, Inc.


Thank you again for your business and we look forward to serving you for years to come.


Contract Terms:

Please ask your personal consultant and/or coach for a brochure outlining our specific solutions to your specific needs and please refer to your contract about specific terms, pricing, rates, and residual overrides or fees associated with the services (if any) that 420Consulting.Services provides to you under this contract.


Contract Cancellation:

If you are seeking to cancel a contract or reverse a payment, please review your contract or contact us directly at info@jbcgsi.net and you will be helped with your request. Thank you for your business.


To pay, or, renew a retainer:

This portal is for exclusive use by 420Consulting.Services Clients and Customers paying retainers and applying renewals to existing retainers, you must have a customer number to utilize this site, if you do not have a customer number, please call 888-522-6684 x707 and one will be supplied to you.


Retainers & Renewals
Customer Number



420Consulting.Services is a division of JBCGSI, however, the partners, management, and staff of the full service consulting, standardization, and implementation firm work independently of JBCGSI – JBC Group Solutions, Inc. Telecommunications and Non-Profit Support Solutions. If you need assistance in any way from the staff or management of 420CONSULTING.SERVICES, please reach out to J.B. Creel, President and Principal directly or to the consultant appointed to manage your case. Thank you.




Copyright 2007-2018 by JBCGSI - JBC Group Solutions, Inc. 1-888-JBC-ON-TIME All rights reserved